Jul 24, 2014

(PRESS RELEASE) -- The best Italian MMA fighter, as well as former UFC fighter, Alessio Sakara is to sign with the Final Fight Championship this Thursday.

Sakara is to arrive in Zagreb, Croatia, July 24 in order to sign a contract with the biggest Croatian and regional combat sports promotion. FFC will also organize a press conference for the media representatives as well as Croatian fans that will get a chance to meet the Italian fighter.

Signing with a fighter such as Sakara is yet another big step for the FFC which already has some big names in its roster such as Paul Daley, Eddie Sanchez and Nandor Guelmino who also signed with the Croatian promotion this year. All these fighters used to compete in the UFC, but FFC now managed to bring them into its own ranks to fortify the already very tough competition.

Sakara fought in the UFC in 2005 and had a reputation as one of the potential title challengers. He was extremely successful in the period from 2008 and 2010 in which he suffered no defeats. However, his career started spiraling down and he had a couple of consecutive defeats which resulted in the cancellation of his contract with the UFC. His last UFC match was the one against Mico Musoke in 2013 and Sakara has not fought ever since then.

With the score of 15 victories and 11 defeats, Sakara defeated fighters such as Thales Leites, James Irvin and Elvis Sinošić. He competed in middle and light heavyweight category, but it is still unknown in which division he is to fight in the FFC. He earned the name “Legionarius” for his relentlessness and numerous KO's and tattooed his nickname on his back which later became his trademark.

FFC President Orsat Zovko already announced Sakara is to sign with the FFC earlier this year when he also promised that there will be more big names joining the Final Fight Championship by the end of the year.