

The Weekly Wrap: Oct. 30 - Nov. 5


Chan Sung Jung: Sherdog.com


“I absolutely believe [we can match the success we’ve had elsewhere], but it’s going to be a much longer route. We’re going to have to invest a lot of money, and it could be a 10- to 15-year cycle before we see any benefit to the groundwork we’re laying right now.” -- UFC CEO Lorenzo Ferttita to Yahoo! Sports on the company’s expansion into Asia

“Great to hear [about] the UFC and WEC merger, the only problem is I put WEC monograms on all my stuff. That makes them cool and retro right?” -- WEC fighter Daniel Downes on Twitter

“You son of a bitch; give me my plunger back.” -- Josh Koscheck, wielding a toilet tool stuck in a closed door during a scuffle with Brad Tate on “The Ultimate Fighter”

“This is the hard part for me, the work part. I love to train, and I love to fight. The media, all the attention, I can do without it, to be honest with you. I’d be happy without it. It comes with the territory, though. The UFC is the biggest show in the world, and if you want to do that, you have to take everything that comes with it, the good and the bad. I’m doing the best I can. It’s not my thing and it’s not what I’m good at, but the UFC knows what they’re doing and they know how important this is, so I am doing my best.” -- Cain Velasquez to Yahoo! Sports on his media obligations after winning the heavyweight title

“To say that is really silly, in my opinion, because he lost. Even though he beat the crap out of Anderson for four rounds, he ended up losing and that’s partly because of the way he was fighting. Some of the same things he was doing that created openings for him to do damage and hold him down are the same things that put him in trouble of getting caught. I have my own game plan.” -- Nate Marquardt to the Las Vegas sun on lessons to draw from Chael Sonnen’s performance against Anderson Silva

“Being an MMA fighter is very important in my life, but even as far as I’ve gone in the sport, after taking a couple of losses, there isn’t a lot of stability. I needed to do something to stabilize my life and take care of myself and possibly my future family. That’s why getting health insurance was my number one priority and getting a job where there’s a union involved where they can’t just let you go. With MMA, the stability just isn’t there like where I work now.” -- “The Ultimate Fighter” Season 8 finalist Phillipe Nover to Sherdog.com on moving on to a medical job after being cut by the UFC

“I wanted to hate Dan Severn. He kicked my ass. But he’s a nice guy. He was in Cali, and I invited him to my dojo. He did a full seminar. He is a mamma’s boy; his mother was his manager, and she controlled him with an iron fist. In the early days, she wouldn’t even let me talk to him. Everybody was cool.” -- Marcus Bossett, who lost to Dan Severn at UFC 4, recounting his life in martial arts to Sherdog.com

“The fact that it occurred did not remove me from my goal, only made me stronger. I thank God for being alive and for allowing me to continue my path.” -- Andre Amado to Portal do Vale Tudo on being grazed in the head by a gunshot

“In the end, a fighter who is all talk.
Who showed and proved nothing.
Drunken by the chants of 'ZOMBIE!!! ZOMBIE!!!'
Not even a single mark left on my opponent's face.
Even until the end, I was going for that one big shot...

For everyone who has supported me thus far, that I have let down...
I make this promise to you...that I will never fight with the same style, ever again.” -- Chan Sung Jung on his blog about dropping "The Korean Zombie" persona after his loss to George Roop
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The Week Ahead

WEC 52 marks the final blue cage appearance for Urijah Faber, as he faces Takeya Mizugaki in his bantamweight debut. Also, the UFC sets the table for its second trip to Germany for UFC 122, headlined by Nate Marquardt vs. Yushin Okami. The events kick off a busy slate of shows from Zuffa through the first of the year.

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