The Doggy Bag: The Skeptics Edition StaffSep 09, 2012

As a big women's MMA fan, I am truly excited about Strikeforce signing Sara McMann. Who would be a good first opponent for the Olympian? Additionally, how do you think she stacks up against Ronda Rousey down the line? A fight between these two Olympians could be the biggest women's MMA fight to date, no? -- Jace from Houston

Mike Whitman, news editor: I’m with you. It is an exciting time for fans of women’s MMA.

At the forefront of the increased exposure for women in the sport is obviously Rousey, who has managed to attract viewers not only with her fighting skills but also with her silver tongue and semi-naked body. Basically, she’s Beast from X-Men.

Once McMann and Rousey turned pro, it almost seemed like a foregone conclusion that they would one day cross paths. Both are Olympic medalists, and both are superior competitors in a women’s division that had been looking for an identity before Rousey came along. While I don’t see the fight eclipsing the mark set by Cristiane Santos’ demolition of Gina Carano three years ago, I believe were the fight to happen, it would hover somewhere around or above a half a million viewers.

Your first question has already been answered for us by Strikeforce matchmaker Sean Shelby. As a result, I think your second question undoubtedly hinges on how McMann performs against Liz Carmouche on Nov. 3. Honestly, I think “Girl-Rilla” might be a little too much for McMann at this stage of her career. No disrespect intended to the former silver medalist, but Carmouche will undoubtedly be the toughest test of her career so far.

Currently, McMann’s lone consistent weapon standing is her straight right hand. Yes, she throws it with power and at a decent clip, but I just don’t see the level of diversity and control she will need to best a competitor as seasoned as Carmouche. Let’s not forget that the Californian took Marloes Coenen to the brink before getting caught in a triangle and then went the distance with the highly skilled Sarah Kaufman. McMann might be able to take down Carmouche, but I think she will have to eat too many shots on the way in.

As far as Rousey goes, she obviously would present vastly different challenges for McMann than Carmouche, but I think that would also be a tough one for McMann to win right now. Her most dominant weapon -- the takedown -- sets up Rousey to attempt the inevitable armbar. We need to see more of Rousey’s standup, to be certain, but I think it’s a push on the feet right now. McMann needs more offensive weapons, and Rousey needs to stop holding that chin so high in the air when she’s forced to trade.

Don’t misunderstand me. McMann is developing rapidly and should turn into one of the best in the division. I just think she needs a little more time to round out her game and acquire more cage time against the top-level competition she will likely be facing for the rest of her career. It is always difficult to predict what will happen in these hypotheticals, but one thing I am sure of is that the women of Strikeforce and Invicta Fighting Championships are putting forth the type of quality and effort that all MMA fans should want to watch.