Strikeforce Signs a Gracie

Jake RossenJun 29, 2009

Though Renzo Gracie has made some sporadic appearances in fight promotions over the years, no promotion has had the ambition -- or the funds -- to groom anyone in the family’s next-generation lineage. In the states, the name seemed to go into hibernation on billboards with Royce Gracie’s exit from the UFC in 1995.

Strikeforce’s corrective measure: signing multiple-time world champion Roger Gracie for its Aug. 15 Showtime event. Roger’s credentials extend far, far beyond his inherited name tag: There are many observers who believe he might be the most talented and dangerous man on the mat in the world right now.

It’s a specialty the heavyweight class sorely needs right now. With the cancer of age and fight wear spreading over Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira’s body, there are few big men remaining who have the technical ability so prevalent in the lower weights. Roger is dynamic: If he can learn to strike -- or at least duck -- he could be a whole new wrinkle in the division.